Category Archives: Aviation World News & guides

Orient Flight school Puducherry-pilot training institute reviewed-2016

Orient flight school in Puducherry is one of the pioneering institute in commercial pilot training in India with a large fleet of 13 aircrafts, operating in south India. With about 20 years of experience, they have produced hundreds of pilots till date. Here is a detailed review of OFS, to help our visitors know much […]

How to choose the best flying club in India for CPL pilot training?

Becoming a pilot is a dream come true ambition for many students due to the difficulties in becoming an aviator. India is a country where there are a lot of flying schools there churning out a few hundred pilots every year, though the production of pilots is not sufficient to meet global needs. Pilot training […]

Full list of Paragliding schools & courses in India

Paragliding is one of the simplest forms of human flight using an inflatable bow shaped wing made of nylon where human body is hung and supported using Kevlar fibers called raisers, which is then controlled manually to maneuver in air. Unlike balloons, it is a heavier than air flying device and generates lift by the […]

Cessna 150 C150D-1964-owners manual/POH pdf free download

Here is the free pdf download of Pilots Operating Handbook or owners’ manual of Cessna 150 C150D-1964. Click here to DownloadCessna_150_C150D-1964-owners_manual-retyped.pdf Hope this download is useful. xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosokeonhacaiketquabongdalichthidau7m.newskqbdtysokeobongdabongdalufutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS […]

15 Reasons why you should NOT be a pilot

Previously, I have published an article about why you should become a pilot. It was all about advantages of being an aviator. However, everything has its own disadvantages too. Here we may discuss about the disadvantages of becoming a pilot. If you are about to start your career as a pilot, don’t get disheartened. This […]

20 Reasons why you should BE a pilot?

Being an airline pilot (I mean an aviator), is a passion for many but achieved by a few. But I used to hear many people asking the question- Why should I be a pilot? Is there anything better in being a pilot versus other professions? What are the advantages of being a pilot? Here is […]