Category Archives: Aviation World News & guides

ATPL Radio Aids question bank list

ATPL Radio Aids Question bank   Ground direction finder DF ( Including classification of bearings) ADF ( including NDB’s & use of RBI) CVOR & DVOR ( including use of rmi  DME ( Distance measuring equipment) ILS (instrument landing system ) MLS ( microwave landing system ) Basic radar principle Ground radar Airborne weather radar […]

Air Traffic Services

Objectives of the air traffic services The objectives of the air traffic services shall be to: a) prevent collisions between aircraft; b) prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area; c) expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic; d) provide advice and information useful for the safe and […]

History of air regulations, Chicago convention, 7 Dec 1944

xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosokeonhacaiketquabongdalichthidau7m.newskqbdtysokeobongdabongdalufutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff cupasean footballbên lề sân cỏbáo bóng đá mớibóng đá cúp thế giớitin bóng đá ViệtUEFAbáo bóng đá việt […]

Technical general-All chapters theory for CPL, ATPL (DGCA)

Theory chapters of Technical general subject for pilots can be learned from here. Airframes & Systems   Principles of Flight   AC DC Electrics and Radio propagation   Engines and Powerplants xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosokeonhacaiketquabongdalichthidau7m.newskqbdtysokeobongdabongdalufutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb […]

ATPL Air navigation videos for DGCA pilots

Here is the complete list of videos (both animated and classroom), for ATPL air navigation preparation for DGCA pilots in India. These videos are accessible only to premium members. Classroom videos Most of these videos are of 1 hour duration. Watch them one by one according to the chapter you are learning. Make sure to […]

PPL GOLD theory exams online coaching for DGCA Indian pilots

This online study package for DGCA Indian pilot trainees help them prepare for PPL exams by themselves through easy step by step learning process. This package contains all necessary study materials, downloadable question banks, classroom videos, animated videos, online trial exams etc. You can try DGCA real exams by yourself at the ease of your […]

CPL Conversion pack for DGCA pilot exams

Wish to convert your foreign Commercial Pilot License to Indian one? Probably you might have heard of theory conversion exams in India. This complete package for pilots contains all necessary stuff to make you pass your exams in coming attempt. For converting a foreign pilot license to Indian license, you should pass 2 theory exams. […]

CPL Gold pack (DGCA) for Indian commercial pilot trainees

Welcome to the CPL Gold pack for Indian commercial pilot trainees. This pack contains all necessary stuff to clear your DGCA CPL theory exams. Bright students may appear all exams in a single stretch. Generally, we  recommend this procedure. Attempt 1:  (3 exams) = Aviation Meteorology, Air Regulation, any one technical specific Attempt 2: (3 […]

Technical (gen) videos for pilots

Here is the list of aviation video classes for pilot trainees, from All classes are not publicly accessible. An active membership is required to access all videos. You can buy membership here. Technical General consists of the study of technical aspects of aircraft, equipment used in aircraft, parts of airplanes, working principles of ground based equipment […]

Air Navigation videos for pilots

Here is the list of aviation video classes for pilot trainees, from All classes are not publicly accessible. An active membership is required to access all videos. You can buy membership here. Classroom videos Most of these videos are of 1 hour duration. Watch them one by one according to the chapter you are learning. […]